Saturday, September 20, 2008

Can a person dont speak for a day ? Non verbal communication

it is hard not to speak a day. Dont u think that is hard? Even if you are able to keep from moving you will still communicate rigidity, anxiety, or something. We are always saying something. i think that a person think intellectually rather than always saying emotionally. Yet, they is some truth in the old cliche "actions speak louder than words.''

Nonverbal communication is learned and practiced often on an unconscious level. We attract people by using these nonverbal signals, and sometimes those we attract are unwholesome. Each of people will use gestures in a daily. it uses the same gestures to signify certain feelings. Gestures also can occur in clusters, so that while any particular gesture alone may not mean much

there are some nonverbal gesture:
-eye contact
-smile, leaning forward, relaxed
-hands away from face, possibly behind back
-standing straight, feet slightly apart, shoulders squared
-leaning forward (positive) and leaning back (negative)
-head tilted, ear cocked
-peering over top of glasses

posted by
chuan kim

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