Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sending the wrong message across...

Communication does not always happen as we want them to. Sometimes, although it may seem that the person whom you are speaking to gets your meaning, it may actually be a different from what you intended completely.

This reminds me of a conversation i had with a friend last week. i was under the impression that she and i were on the same wavelength but as it turned out, her understanding of what i said could not be more far away from my actual message.

i remember asking her several time throughout the conversation whether she understood and got what i was trying to tell her. and she said yes every time. so we had to be on the same wavelength, right? the answer is no.

i was describing the act of standing, and she thought i was talking about acrobatics. just how did such a thing happen? i would first blame it on background noise. it was noisy, and maybe she didn't hear me correctly. i said 'spots' and she heard it as 'zones'. as both the words carry different meaning, it was this that eventually caused her to think of acrobatics.

another thing was that when the picture started becoming weird to her, she never stopped me to clarify. needless to say, when i finally realized and clarified for her, we were both just amazed at how wrong a simple conversation could become.

so, the moral of the story is, be clear with your meaning and clarify immediately when you sense something amiss. unless of course, you don't mind misinterpreting things.

Post written by
Tham Sue Fern

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