Tuesday, September 16, 2008

You don't get it?

XOXO, Phoebe here, your sources to understand 'human' around you.
I'm always 'addict' to babies. Just can't stop hugging and kissing and messing around with them every time I see them. You know how babies talk right? Its like "arr..r..." , "buuu..uuu" , "mummmm..mmm"....its just like they're having their own language, the "babies' language". I had watched a movie which I've forgot what's the name but anyhow its about baby talking. Yea, babies are having their own language and they talk to each other (in the movie). But then, when they talk like we, adult do, adult don't understand it. The understanding its just among the babies. Even the parents can't understand it. However, at the end of the movie, when the baby girl was in danger, the baby boy was trying to TELL his parents, and his parents UNDERSTAND what exactly he said.
What I'm trying to say is, you can understand if you really WANT TO communication with someone or anyone. Sometimes you even knew whats happening just looking at one's expression.
Is language good? Not really. If language use in a wrong way, it'll bring to the negative side.
Last year, there's international exchanged students in my high school. I get to know few Japanese friends. So, here comes a day, they came and ask me whats 'bodoh' (stupid). I was like .... what? who tell you this? Then I know what happened, a gang of gangster keep on yelling 'bodoh' to them. They were so pissed when they realize 'bodoh' means 'baka' in Japanese. In Asia, we just knew a few of Japanese words, such as 'baka', 'aligatogozaimasteh' (thank you) , 'shumimashi' (sorry). Of course, the one we remember the most is 'baka, rite. I do think its quiet rude and disrespect. In addition, we spoil our country reputation.
Some said : careful with your words, it might just bring down a nation.

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