Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Well Prepared For Better Communication

Everyone can communicate with each other, either it will be success or unsuccess. It actually means that whether the person u talking to can really understand or receive the messages that u intended to send out. It is actually really difficult to totally understand what people said unless you are really familiar with the topic which carried out.

Due to the fact that i have not been studying accounts before this semester, I am actually facing such problem in my accounting lesson at the beginning. I can't really understand what the lecturer is teaching. When she ask who doesn't understand please raise up their hand, i will always raise my hand up, but even after she gave me her second explanation, i still couldn't get exactly what she mean. Finally, my brother teaches me a technique that he used lastime when he is facing such problem. He asked me to read the chapter that the lecturer will be going to teach before the lecture itself. I did follow and it prove to be useful. Although i still couldn't totally understand during the lecture, at least now i could get the basic idea of what the lecturer is trying to tell us.

This actually shows us that it will actually easier for us to understand if we already have a basic idea about a certain topic when other people tell us about that topic. Just like it will be easier to communicate if i am talking about politics with someone who knows politics rather than talking to a person who know nothing about politics. However, sometimes we will have to due with some topics that we don't know at all, therefore, to avoid any miscommunication, we should do some research about that topic well ahead.

Posted By: KokChin

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